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Displaying 221 - 230 of 411 publications

Using fine-scale panel data and an econometric model, we predict land use change in the Midwestern United States if a new bioenergy crop, Miscanthus ×  Giganteus ( miscanthus), is introduced. To…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This study evaluates the distribution of electricity subsidies to residential customers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2016 that results from the current increasing block tariff (IBT) structure. Customer…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

It is widely accepted that the firms included in an emissions trading scheme (ETS) come mostly from oligopolistic industries. The “exclusionary manipulation” of these heterogeneous emitters can…

| Peer Reviewed | China

In recent years, the coal intensity of electricity generation and its change rate over time has varied significantly across coal-fired power plants in China. This paper decomposes the coal intensity…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Efficient provision of electricity requires timely expansions of power transmission capacity. However, regulation does not always send the right signals to generate the required (and timely)…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

This article presents an historical account of patterns of household fuelwood use in Mexico from 1960 until the present. The results of scenarios outlining the likely evolution of future fuelwood use…

| Peer Reviewed |

En este trabajo yo proveo evidencia de que el cambio tecnológico sesgado es el principal determinante de la adopción de paneles solares y turbinas eólicas. Mientras que trabajos previos se han…

| Thesis MSC | Colombia

We study the welfare and energy poverty implications of energy price change scenarios in Indonesia. Our analysis extends previous analyses of energy price impacts at the household level in three ways…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

This paper reviews the experience of a for-profit firm in Rwanda promoting biomass pellets and a fan micro-gasification improved cookstove as a clean cooking alternative to charcoal. Consumers…

| Peer Reviewed |

Replacing all oil boilers with renewable energy technologies by 2035 is part of the national energy strategy 2050 in Denmark. Individual heating is supposed to supply around one-fourth of the total…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam