EfD’s Policy Day 2024

The EfD Policy Day, which is held in connection with EfD’s Annual Meetings, is a forum for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to meet and discuss urgent environmental and development challenges. This year’s theme is Policy Instruments for a Just and Inclusive Transition in the Energy, Transport, and Industry Sectors in East Africa.

Download: Program

Download: Concept note

EfD’s Policy Day 2024, which will take place in Nairobi on October 2, will feature prominent keynote speakers, a panel discussion, and interactive group discussions.

The meeting will be introduced by Kenya’s Principal Secretary, State Department of Energy Mr. Alex Kamau Wachira, the Director of Research and Extension, University of Nairobi Professor Justus Munyoki, and EfD Kenya’s Center Director, Professor Richard Mulwa.

The keynote speakers include, among others, Ms Liilnna Teji, Duke University, who will talk about Just Energy Transition.

A novelty this year is interactive group sessions that will provide a unique opportunity for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss challenges and exchange knowledge and experiences on three themes:

  • Theme 1: Energy Access and Equity
  • Theme 2: Sustainable and Inclusive Transport Systems
  • Theme 3: Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector

The Energy Access and Equity theme addresses the challenges of providing clean and affordable energy while reducing the harmful dependency on dirty fuels, such as firewood, charcoal, and fossil fuels. The use of dirty fuels has serious impacts on health, the environment, and social factors.  The goal of the discussion is to identify best practices and propose solutions that address the socio-economic barriers to clean energy access.

The Sustainable and Inclusive Transport Systems theme recognizes that the rapid urbanization and economic growth in East Africa necessitate the development of sustainable transport systems to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions and improve urban mobility. Participants will share insights and experiences of successful and failed policies related to green transport initiatives, public transport inclusivity, and investment in sustainable transport infrastructure. The discussion will aim to identify effective strategies and propose actionable recommendations for sustainable transport development.

The background to the Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector theme is the necessity to improve energy efficiency in the industrial sector is crucial for reducing operational costs and environmental impacts. The industrial sector is one of the heavily energy-consuming sectors and mainly uses energy for the production, cooling, heating, and distribution of products. Participants will discuss experiences with policies that have been successful or unsuccessful in promoting energy efficiency, focusing on technological advancements, policy incentives, and best practices. The goal is to identify and recommend effective approaches to enhance energy efficiency in these sectors.

The key issues highlighted in the group sessions will then be discussed by a panel consisting of policymakers and researchers from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Conclusions and key takeaways will be summarized by among others Professor Mark Jeuland, Duke University, and Ms. Ulrika Åkesson Team Leader - Regional Team Environment for Africa, Embassy of Sweden.


Updated: 23 September 2024