Displaying 71 - 80 of 86 publications
It has been widely reviewed, reported, and vociferously condemned that the World Bank Group (WBG) is investing heavily in coal. In South Africa, Botswana and India, the Bank has issued over $4 billion…
| Policy Brief | SwedenCosta Rica’s transport sector contributes to the aggravation of problems such as air pollution, vehicular congestion and traffic accidents that mainly affect the country’s urban areas. In this…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaThis study evaluates the effect of driving restriction on national transport fuel sales in San José, Costa Rica. Driving restrictions such as the one implemented in the San José Metropolitan Area, in…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaOrganic certification in Costa Rica improves coffee growers’ environmental performance Eco-certification of coffee, timber and other high-value agricultural commodities is increasingly widespread…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaAs China quickly becomes the world largest market and supplier of forest products over the past decade, her domestic policy change and ensuing supply trends becomes interesting to many. As being…
| Policy Brief | ChinaIt is estimated that approximately 2.5 billion people in developing countries rely on biomass fuels to meet their cooking needs. Biomass fuels are derived from living, or recently living organisms…
| Policy Brief | Ethiopia, Global HubEn Costa Rica los parques nacionales generan bienestar a las comunidades vecinas El número y la superficie total de las áreas protegidas en el mundo han tenido un crecimiento continuo en las décadas…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaLas organizaciones comunales de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento en Costa Rica Las organizaciones comunales de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento (ASADAS) surten de agua a gran parte de la…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaLa efectividad de una política de descentralización depende de muchos factores y no puede ser concebida como una panacea para solventar los problemas de provisión de agua potable en todos los…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaEcological adaptations allow dryland plants and animals to reproduce, grow and survive in extreme conditions. Simply dryland systems are ecologically resilient and cannot be dismissed as wastelands It…
| Policy Brief | Kenya