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Displaying 411 - 420 of 1098 publications

Regional integration is making steady progress in Africa and a key objective is to improve the prospects for industrialisation by expanding the regional market. The paper draws on a combination of…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

The impact of economic activity on the environment is considered an external effect when it is not taken into account in the decision‐making process of economic agents. This chapter introduces the…

| Book Chapter | Vietnam

Marine ecosystem services are in global decline which requires new transformational changes in governance to cope with multiple anthropogenic stressors. We review the biodiversity and ecosystem…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Abstract There is little systematic evidence on the links between procurement systems and outcomes such as competition and corruption levels. This paper adds to the evidence, using data on 34,000…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Faced with the threat of “Day Zero”, when it was feared that Cape Town's taps could run dry, consumers reduced household water usage from 540 to 280 L per household per day over the 36 months between…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

In this paper, the empirical analysis finds that the dynamics of inflation and unemployment can be described by a Phillips curve when allowing for a positive co-movement between trend-adjusted…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

The employment structure of India’s organised manufacturing sector has undergone substantial changes over the last decade with a steep rise in the use of contract workers in place of directly hired…

| Discussion Paper | India

The persisting inequalities women face while entering the labor market, make female economic empowerment a major policy objective for international organisations, local governments, non-profit…

| Policy Brief | Colombia

En este trabajo se analiza la incidencia de ciertos factores individuales, académicos y socio-económicos sobre el tiempo de permanencia y deserción de los estudiantes en el Programa Especial de…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Small-scale gold mining is important to rural livelihoods in the developing world but also a source of environmental externalities. Incentives for individual producers are the classic policy response…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia