Displaying 2191 - 2200 of 3643 publications

Small-scale farming of mud crabs (Scylla serrata) has been suggested as an alternative income for resource poor coastal communities in East Africa. However, it and it is unclear if the present culture…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

This study considers the effect of household tobacco expenditure on food consumption in Tanzania. The study hypothesizes that the majority of Tanzanians belong to a low-income group and that any…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

This study considers the effect of household cigarette expenditure on food poverty indicators in Tanzania. We first compare expenditure patterns as well as the household size of non-smokers and…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

The study attempts to estimate the demand for cigarettes in Tanzania and presents simulation results on the effect of the cigarette excise tax on smoking participation, government revenue, and related…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ‘How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?’ The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ‘How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?’ The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ‘How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?’ The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar…

| Book Chapter |

Single objective approach is most widely used whereas consideration of multiple objectives is the rule rather than an exception in many real life decision-making circumstances. This paper, therefore…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

How may environmental regulation affect firm location choice? While this question has generated great research interest from high-standard, industrial economies, in this article we turn the spotlight…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This paper evaluates whether the spirit of capitalism can explain the equity premium puzzle. The spirit of capitalism implies that investors acquire wealth not just for consumption, but also to…

| Peer Reviewed | China