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Displaying 211 - 220 of 314 publications

Given the considerable popularity of community-based wildlife management as a conservation tool, it is of interest to assess the long-run sustainability of this policy not only in conservation terms…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Because the effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs depends on landowners’ engagement, understanding the relationship between the type of payment and participation is a key…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden

In this paper, we investigate how different levels of entrance fees affect donations for a public good, a natural park. To explore this issue, the researchers conducted a stated preference study…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Sweden

Jorge Dresdner wrote an opinion article about discards in Chilean fisheries.

| Other Publications | Chile

Certification is intended to improve management of and environmental outcomes in developing country forests. Yet we know little about whether and how it actually generates such benefits. To address…

| EfD Discussion Paper |

Rising prices of fossil fuels, together with apprehension about the environmental harm created by them, have resulted in increasing efforts to search for alternative energy sources such as biofuels…

| Research Brief | Ethiopia, Global Hub

Cities around the world generate substantial quantities of municipal solid waste, including organic residues. These organic residues can be managed productively and given value, or they can simply be…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

In this work, we undertook an integrated assessment of water and forest ecosystem to develop the value-based sustainability indicators (VBSI) of watershed resource. This is a new approach proposed to…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

Recent estimates reaffirm that conservation funds are insufficient to meet biodiversity conservation goals. Organizations focused on biodiversity conservation therefore need to capitalize on…

| Peer Reviewed |

For Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon, we find that protection types with differences in governance, including different constraints on local economic development, also differ in their locations. Taking…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America