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Displaying 111 - 120 of 126 publications

Although sustainable tourism represents a positive approach for community development, its practical implementation is challenging. Given that there is no one institutional recipe that fits all cases…

| Other Publications |

The EfD Initiative is a global network of environmental economics´research centers. We contribute to effective management of the environment in the global south through Applied research, Institutional…

| Other Publications |

Read Francisco Alpizar opinion article (Valoración económica de daños ambientales ) in "La Nación " (October 9 th), related to economic valuation of environmental damage (Spanish only). El 17 de…

| Other Publications | Central America

Read Francisco Alpízar's "Letter from regions on the autumn 2010 Newsletter of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE)

| Other Publications | Central America

Se requiere cambio en el clima de la negociación o llegaremos a Río+20 sin acuerdos que se sostengan. Las negociaciones internacionales en cambio climático siguen entrabadas porque el enfoque de los…

| Other Publications | Central America

“To do high-quality research, you need to find out what policy makers need and nurture the interaction,” says Maria Angelica Naranjo, EfD researcher in Central America. Her research colleagues Roger…

| Other Publications | Central America

Unplanned, aggressive coastal development is threatening beautiful beaches. To help address one of Costa Rica’s most serious environmental problems, researchers from the Environment for Development…

| Other Publications | Central America

Research Fellow Alvaro Umaña is the Head and Political Coordinator of the Costa Rican Negotiating Team at Copenhagen. Dr. Alvaro Umaña, Research Fellow at EfD Central America, was designated as Head…

| Other Publications | Central America

Perhaps current prices of fossil fuels are the reflection of the hurricane's eye passing through the global markets. Before exorbitant oil prices again steal all the attention, it is important to…

| Other Publications | Central America