Displaying 11 - 20 of 92 publications
South Africa, like most developing nations, is confronted with choosing between the need to advance their economy and the need to protect the environment. The United Nations Sustainable Development…
| Peer Reviewed | South AfricaAccording to the inclusive green economy (IGE) model, no one should be left out of the green economy revolution. To support an IGE approach, the Tanzanian government must develop policies to support…
| Research Brief | TanzaniaWe are living in a crisis era, with competing land use for finite land and ill-informed myopic urban land-use policies that remain stagnant, in a world with a rapidly changing urban environment, such…
| EfD Discussion Paper | TanzaniaAbstract Until recently, the price of electricity in Ethiopia was among the lowest in the world. Such low prices have contributed to a substantial financial deficit for the government-owned electric…
| Peer Reviewed | EthiopiaUrban managers in sub-Saharan Africa have recently come under intense pressure to prepare for and adapt to the footprints of rapid peri-urbanization and increased climate-related risks. Addressing…
| Peer Reviewed | Ghana
Charging for plastic bags is an effective intervention to encourage consumers to carry their own shopping bags to the stores. This intervention can help reduce plastic waste. Understanding and...
| Peer Reviewed | South AfricaAbstract The paper provides a comprehensive investigation of the effects of environmental regulations on Chinese firms’ extensive margins. Using registration information of all firms in 35 industries…
| EfD Discussion Paper | ChinaAbstract In recent decades, Egypt has experienced rapid internal migration movements triggered by urbanization, socioeconomic development, and environmental changes. From a literature perspective, few…
| Peer Reviewed | Global HubBeing mostly rural, Dar es Salaam has always been characterized by greenery and more recently by green space development. However, the values of these spaces are often not known. Note that these…
| Research Brief | Tanzania