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Displaying 141 - 150 of 239 publications

The study attempts to estimate the demand for cigarettes in Tanzania and presents simulation results on the effect of the cigarette excise tax on smoking participation, government revenue, and related…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ‘How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?’ The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ‘How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?’ The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

Central to this special issue is the notion that the methods and conceptual tools of comparative politics can improve our understanding of global climate change politics. Building on recent…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) typically reward landowners for managing their land to provide ecosystem services that would not otherwise be provided. REDD— Reduced Emissions from Deforestation…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

We use rich survey data to investigate the economic impact of a climate-friendly rice farming method known as the system of rice intensification (SRI) on the welfare of rain-dependent smallholder…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Tanzania, Global Hub

Maize is a strategic commodity for improving food security and alleviating poverty in Tanzania, but its productivity remains low. The importance of improved maize varieties (IMVs) in increasing…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia, Tanzania

Even though antiretroviral treatment is becoming more efficient and available, new HIV infections still occur, and this is particularly evident in the sub-Saharan Africa region. Heterosexual…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Tanzania

This paper examines the impact of agriculture-related shocks on consumption patterns of rural farming households using 3 years of data from South Africa. We make two key observations. First…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Tanzania

In many lower-income countries, the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) involves significant opportunity costs for artisanal fishers, reflected in changes in how they allocate their labor…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Tanzania