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Displaying 31 - 40 of 190 publications

Abstract This study assessed the human health risk of exposure to legacy PAHs in the Nwaenebo River sediments that received effluents for over two decades from the Nigeria National Petroleum…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Abstract Any effort to improve irrigation water availability has an advantage in the crop production processes. Small-scale rainwater harvesting technologies like Charco-dams (Malambo) in Swahili (the…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

The challenge of marine plastic pollution could be better tackled by involving the people at household level. But are the people willing to cooperate? This study examined the willingness of...

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Abstract The water purification functions of forests represent one of the most frequently invoked examples of nonmarket ecosystem services that are economically valuable. This study quantifies the…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Despite work’s importance in people’s overall sense of purpose in life, several studies measuring momentary well-being find that people are very unhappy while at work. These studies have focused on…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Water quality amelioration is one of the key ecosystem services provided by forests in the catchment areas of water supply systems. In this study, we applied random effect models and the least…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

A deeper understanding of the economic trade-offs that come with Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), and the winners and losers who emerge, can give policymakers insights they now lack into the needs and...

| Report | Central America

Abstract The sustainability of global fisheries has emerged as a major concern for the future of marine biodiversity. In the spheres of seafood production and consumption, strict regulation of…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Because the main modes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiration and contact, WHO recommends frequent washing of hands with soap under running water for at least 20 s. This article…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Abstract Because the main modes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiration and contact, WHO recommends frequent washing of hands with soap under running water for at least 20 s. This…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Global Hub