Displaying 2601 - 2610 of 3650 publications

Abstract: Human-induced causes of forest change occur at multiple scales. Yet, most governance mechanisms are designed at a single level – whether international, national, regional or local – and do…

| Peer Reviewed |

Abstract: During the last 50 years, at least four interdisciplinary developments have occurred at the boundaries of political science and economics that have affected the central ques- tions that both…

| Peer Reviewed |

According to advocates, eco-certification can stem environmental damages from tourism in developing countries. Yet we know little about tourism operators’ economic incentives to get certified. To help…

| Discussion Paper |

Through the implementation of a choice experiment valuation exercise, this study set out to identify the set of community plantation attributes that impact the welfare of potential community forestry…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Eco-certification can generate private benefits for tourism operators in developing countries and therefore has the potential to improve their environmental performance. Tourism associated with…

| Research Brief | Central America

Inorganic fertilizer is one of a handful of agricultural technologies that have immense potential for raising the productivity of poor smallholders, enabling them to increase income, accumulate assets…

| Discussion Paper | Tanzania

We propose a new approach for estimating a “hybrid” New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) that includes demand pressures coming from disequilibrium relations in three different markets: (1) monetary and…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Objectives: We use a contingent valuation (CV) study of childhood asthma to discuss a central issue in designing CV studies of chronic illness—the need for a detailed, realistic scenario that…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

In an experiment, we study risk-taking of cohabitating student couples, finding that couples’ decisions are closer to risk-neutrality than single partners’ decisions. This finding is similar to…

| Peer Reviewed |

Using individual travel diary data collected before and after the rail transit coverage expansion in urban Beijing, this paper estimates the impact of rail accessibility improvement on the usage of…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China