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Displaying 2181 - 2190 of 2384 publications

This paper compares consumer preferences for immunocastration versus surgical castration and no castration using willingness- to-pay estimates from a choice experiment. Results suggest that consumers…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

An optimal first-best road charge should not only be differentiated with respect to factors that affect the direct external environmental and time costs from the road-user himself. Indirect effects…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Understanding relationship between environmental protection and economic development is crucial to form practical environmental policy. At micro level, implementation of environmental regulations…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This study investigates the linkage between attitudes towards risk and adoption. We empirically examine the relative risk premium related to fertilizer-use among 404 farmers from Malawi and examine…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

Community forest plantations are a common intervention in developing countries. We use household and remote sensing data from Orissa, India, to estimate welfare effects of community forest plantations…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

National parks attract tourists to developing countries. However, there are only rare cases where the full economic rent from tourism in protected areas has been captured by these countries. This…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

A contingent valuation survey of Thai adults revealed that private demand for a hypothetical AIDS vaccine that is safe, has no side effects, and lasts 10 years, rises with income, the lifetime risk of…

| Peer Reviewed |

Since 1999 a multilateral effort termed the Nile Basin Initiative has been underway among the Nile riparians to explore opportunities for maximizing the benefits of the river's waters through…

| Peer Reviewed |

This paper seeks to provide the theoretical underpinnings for the optimal pricing of protected areas used in recreational activities, from the perspective of a local park agency interested in…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

In two experiments on the choice of consumer goods, the estimated marginal willingness to pay for food is found to be lower in the survey version with cheap talk. Our test can be seen as a test of…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden