Displaying 2181 - 2190 of 3650 publications

Hotter years are associated with lower economic output in country-level data. We show that the effect of temperature on labor is an important part of the explanation. Using high-frequency micro data…

| Discussion Paper | India

India’s food policy is in a state of flux. This is a rare moment. Food policies and their governance have enjoyed stability and continuity for many decades. Indeed, the framework for these policies…

| Peer Reviewed | India

A significant portion of the world's forests that are eligible for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, known as REDD+, payments are community managed forests. However, there…

| Other Publications | India

Public goods provision is essential for economic development. Yet there is limited evidence regarding contributions to local public goods in developing countries. This article analyses a field…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

In this research the importance of evaluating public policies at regional level is demonstrated. The impact of subsidy programs to the recruitment of young people (SEJ) and the grant to the training…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

The potential effects of a redistributive fishing quota policy on the profits and employment of the artisanal fisher organizations is analyzed within a multi-objective programming model. We apply it…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

This study determined the adaptation and coping strategies adopted by farmers under yam- and cassava-based farming systems in Ebonyi and Enugu States in Nigeria's derived savannah agro-ecological zone…

| Other Publications | Nigeria

Economic development in low income settings is often associated with an expansion of higher-value agricultural activities. Since these activities often bring new risks, an understanding of cropland…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

We study the effects of different tax schemes used in fisheries management in combination with an individual transferable quota system. We focus on the effects of taxes on equilibrium quota prices and…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

The oil crash of 2014 is expected to have a moderate impact on the global economy with oil importers seeing a boost in growth. The long-term impacts on climate change are difficult to predict but it…

| Peer Reviewed | India