Displaying 161 - 170 of 3650 publications

Abstract Stated preference studies are often based on the assumptions that proposed outcomes would realize with certainty and respondents believe their survey responses are consequential. This paper…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia, Tanzania

The present document seeks to showcase the results of the beef supply chain study for the state of Campeche, Mexico.

| Report | Central America

This study presents the results of the value chain analysis conducted for the beef supply chain in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

| Report | Central America

AbstractThe principal selection objective in crop breeding has for a long time been driven by agronomic gains like yield maximization and climate resilience. Nevertheless, the continued low adoption…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Purpose This study examined the influence of income and health insurance on the health-seeking behaviour of rural residents, addressing the concerns of endogeneity and heterogeneity bias. Design…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

This study analyzes how daily mobility may be disrupted or constrained due to the flooding of road infrastructure. The empirical focus is Accra, Ghana, a rapidly growing African city with frequent…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Resettlement due to natural resources extraction and infrastructural development is known to be associated with impoverishments globally. In the Albertine region of Uganda including Hoima District...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Abstract Water security is a global concern sharpened by the biggest humanity challenge of climatic crisis. With the end of designing and implementing efficient and sustainable water management…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

This paper analyzes intra‐Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) trade in services by establishing its determinants and exploring the role of trade facilitation on the same. The study...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

In Uganda, health care utilisation remains very low despite a number of government reforms that have beenimplemented in the health sector since the 1990’s such as decentralization and removal of user...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda