Displaying 1141 - 1150 of 3650 publications

Abstract This paper examines the impact of climate shocks, measured as temperature and precipitation variability, on real monthly per capita consumption expenditure of Indian households over the 1988…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Abstract When construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is completed, the Nile will have two of the world’s largest dams—the High Aswan Dam (HAD) and the GERD—in two different…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Purpose – Climate change has become one of the most important development challenges worldwide. It affects various sectors, with agriculture the most vulnerable. In Ethiopia, climate change impacts…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Attempts to structurally transform segments of the agri-food system inevitably involve trade-offs between the priorities of actors with different incentives, perspectives and values. Trade-offs are…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia, Tanzania

Energy has been called the “golden thread” that connects economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability, but important knowledge gaps exist on the impacts of low- and middle-income…

| Peer Reviewed | China, Chile, Sweden, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Central America, Global Hub

This paper experimentally investigates the impact of different information sharing mechanisms in a common-pool resource game, with a view to finding a mechanism that is both efficient and inexpensive…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

While studies have explored how health sector corruption, weak healthcare system, large-scale immune compromised population, misinformation and prevalence of highly congested slums contribute to the…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Demand for animal sourced food is predicted to double in the upcoming 20 years in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is simultaneously a big opportunity in terms of poverty reduction and a significant threat to…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia