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Displaying 221 - 230 of 241 publications

Despite the great strides by the government of Tanzania in bolstering access to electricity in rural areas under its Rural Energy Agency (REA), rural connection rates have remained low. A substantial…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

Parks and nature reserves created for conservation often become forest islands in a matrix of other land uses. Their species populations often decline due to this forest fragmentation. There is…

| Research Brief | Tanzania

Smallholder farms in Tanzania rely on wild pollinators, but there are drastic changes in land use which result in the reduction of wild pollinators’ natural habitat, that is, forests. Our interest is…

| Research Brief | Tanzania

Read about what EfD centers around the world have been up to during the last year in terms of research highlights and how our research relate to the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out more about…

| Report | Central America, Chile, China, Sweden, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania

REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) is a form of payment for ecosystem services (a voluntary transaction in which a buyer makes a payment to a seller conditional on the…

| Research Brief | Tanzania

Using cross sectional data obtained from the first wave of the National Panel Survey Data; this study attempts to examine empirically two issues; first the influence of land tenure reforms on…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

The study establishes the extent to which climate change has occurred in Uganda, analyses choices of adaptation strategies to climate change induced shocks and factors determining the choices made at…

| Thesis PHD | Tanzania

Majority of the households living adjacent to the forest depend primarily on agriculture and secondarily on forest resources. For these households, agriculture plays a key role, for subsistence needs…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

The joint EfD Report 2013/14 showcases the work undertaken by the Environment for Development Initiative. Please access the report to find out more about our research projects, policy interaction…

| Report | Central America, Chile, China, Sweden, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania

This study was carried out to find out the impact of PES on the welfare of the communities in the Uluguru Mountains. The objective is to assess PES project which aims at conserving the environment…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania