Displaying 1941 - 1950 of 3690 publications
We study the development of aquaculture activities in Chile and the impacts of regulatory changes on location decision for aquaculture production centers. Our study considers a descriptive analysis on…
| Peer Reviewed | ChileUnderstanding market competition and consumer preferences are important first steps in developing a business. In a competitive market, the effectiveness of the various elements of a firm's marketing…
| Peer Reviewed | VietnamThe literature on the “resource curse” has strongly emphasized that large incomes from resource endowments may have adverse effects on the growth prospects of a country. Conceivably the income…
| Peer Reviewed |Workers effective access to mandatory non-wage benefits is key to achieving decent working conditions in the Ghanaian labor market. Thus, this paper investigates the effects of union presence on…
| Other Publications | GhanaWhile much attention has been given to the effects of migration and remittances on agricultural activities in the communities of origin, the relationship between remittances and rural households' use…
| Peer Reviewed | Global HubWe present a novel policy framework to evaluate and pursue growth in aquaculture considering four boundaries: biological productivity, environmental constraints to that productivity, policy that…
| Peer Reviewed | ChileThis study examines the primary determinants of self-medications among urban citizens in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam using survey data. Employing logistic models, the article finds that the probability…
| Peer Reviewed | VietnamWhy do many smallholder farmers fail to adopt what appear to be relatively simple agronomic or management practices which can help them cope with climate-induced stressors? Using household and plot…
| Peer Reviewed | KenyaGood Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices are indispensable for maintaining quality environment and the health of urban dwellers in most developing countries, like Ethiopia. However, for successful…
| Peer Reviewed | EthiopiaWe analyze if poorest people in rural localities of Región de Los Lagos, Chile have benefited in terms of poverty alleviation with salmon farms establishment within 1992-2002 period. In order to…
| Thesis MSC | Chile