Displaying 21 - 30 of 39 publications

Cooperation in public goods games increases in the presence of between-group competition. In this study, we validate the effect of between-group competition in a different social dilemma, a resource…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

"Integrating sustainability, justice and diversity?: opportunities and challenges for inclusively framing water research" in "Rethinking environmentalism: linking justice, sustainability and diversity…

| Book Chapter | Colombia

"Chapter 13: (Real) behavior meets (real) institutions: towards a research agenda on the study of the commons" in A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics. Elgar Research Agendas. Edited by…

| Book Chapter | Colombia

El presente capítulo describe y analiza un proceso participativo llevado a cabo con el propósito de apoyar la construcción de acuerdos colectivos y un sistema de monitoreo ciudadano para el manejo…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Global change has systematically increased uncertainty for people balancing short-term needs with long-term resource sustainability. Here, we aim to understand how uncertainty drives changes in human…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

La adopción de una nueva política minera en 2001 junto con el drástico incremento de los precios internacionales de oro desde ese mismo año ha motivado la expansión de la minería aurífera (formal e…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Most models of social preferences and bounded rationality that are effective in explaining efficiency-increasing departures from equilibrium behavior cannot easily account for similar deviations when…

| Other Publications | Colombia

In the developing world, collective land titling has become an important tool for recognizing the historical presence of ethnic communities and safeguarding their rights to occupy and manage their…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

There is tension in developing countries between financial incentives to clear forests and climate regulation benefits of preserving trees. Now research shows that paying private forest owners in…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Smallholder agricultural systems, strongly dependent on water resources and investments in shared infrastructure, make a significant contribution to food security in developing countries. These…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia