Displaying 151 - 160 of 161 publications

Abstract Motivated by the persistent rise in bilateral trade imbalance in Nigeria, this paper empirically examines whether Nigeria’s four trading partners (China, India, the UK and the US) respond…

| Book Chapter | Nigeria

Abstract The unsustainable use of biomass in meeting households’ energy requirements affects the climate negatively through increasing rate deforestation and the release of carbon monoxides and…

| Book Chapter | Nigeria

ABSTRACT Climate change has remained a major problem around which global development policies are framed. The effects of climate change are rising tremendously and are more evident in Africa with low…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public life can boost a country’s long-run economic growth, foster social inclusion, and help countries reach the 2030 Sustainable…

| Discussion Paper | Nigeria

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the social, economic and demographic determinants of rural households' risk perception of farmer–herder (FH) conflicts in Nigeria. The paper also…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

ABSTRACT Households need energy for various activities, chief among these is cooking, which accounts for a greater percentage of the total domestic energy consumption. In Nigeria, household cooking…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Aba is a politically volatile, economically vibrant but environmentally poor city that is a microcosm of social conditions in the Nigerian urban informal economy. Hence, this study interrogates the…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

This article examines the political economy of collective organising in the motorcycle taxi economy of Nigerian cities. Using the mixed-methods approach, this study demonstrates the nature and…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

This study ascertained if the fertilizer policy of the Transformation Agenda; 2010-2015 made any difference in Nigerian farmers’ fertilizer use rate and their revenue. It examined the fertilizer use…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria