Microfinance loans, women’s economic empowerment, and poverty: a case study of Baobab Microfinance Company

Peer Reviewed
1 March 2022

Loans can help women lower poverty and become economically empowered.

Edgar F.A Cooke, Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah


We investigate the impact of Baobab Microfinance Company (BMC) loans on poverty and economic empowerment of female clients using a mixed-methods approach. Using a sample of 411 BMC clients, we find in some cases, relatively lower poverty and higher economic empowerment for clients with a higher frequency of loans compared to those with a lower frequency of loans. An implication is that the marginal impact of loans across different loan cycles is U-shaped rather than linear and has a short-term impact on clients. Furthermore, our qualitative results suggest that loans help women lower poverty and become economically empowered.


Microfinance poverty women’s empowerment impact analysis


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Sustainable Development Goals
Publication reference
Cooke, E. F. A., & Amuakwa-Mensah, F. (2021). Microfinance loans, women’s economic empowerment, and poverty: a case study of Baobab Microfinance Company. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 14(1), 34–55. https://doi.org/10.1080/19439342.2021.1953568
Publication | 23 March 2022