Displaying 131 - 140 of 180 publications

India’s food policy is in a state of flux. This is a rare moment. Food policies and their governance have enjoyed stability and continuity for many decades. Indeed, the framework for these policies…

| Peer Reviewed | India

A significant portion of the world's forests that are eligible for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, known as REDD+, payments are community managed forests. However, there…

| Other Publications | India

The oil crash of 2014 is expected to have a moderate impact on the global economy with oil importers seeing a boost in growth. The long-term impacts on climate change are difficult to predict but it…

| Peer Reviewed | India

The climate sensitivity of electricity demand in India is likely to be highly sensitive to growth in income. Thus, both intensive and extensive adjustments in cooling and heating will play an…

| Discussion Paper | India

This article begins by tracing the development of the Indian model of food distribution. Food subsidies in India are delivered through the public distribution system, consisting of a network of retail…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Abstract Much of the debate between the European and US positions about the labeling of genetically modified (GM) foods has been whether consumers perceive labels as a source of information or as a…

| Discussion Paper | India

Whether embankments should be used to control floods is a question of great importance in the eastern Gangetic plain, where embankment breaches cause severe flood damage every year and huge damage due…

| Peer Reviewed | India

This paper estimates the climate sensitivity of electricity demand in Delhi using daily data on electricity demand and apparent temperature for the period 2000–09. The study adopts a semi-parametric…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Biomass burning of agricultural field residue (stalks and stubble) during wheat and rice harvesting periods in the Indo-Gangetic plains has led to substantial emission of trace gases and particles…

| Discussion Paper | India

This discussion paper by Arka Roy Chaudhuri and E Somanathan discusses the potential of biometric identification to facilitate cash transfers in India.

| Discussion Paper | India