Exploring fishers' pro-environmental behavioral intention and support for policies to combat marine litter in Vietnam

Peer Reviewed
29 February 2024

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc, Bui Bich Xuan, Tobias Börger, Tang Thi Hien, Tran Van Hao, Do Thuy Trinh, Vu Ke Nghiep

This study applies Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory to investigate fishers' pro-environmental behavioral intention and their support for policies to reduce marine litter. While pro-environmental behavioral intention is often associated with personal environmental intention at the household level, policy support represents their support for government action at the political level. Therefore, we examine whether fishers are willing to engage in both of these dimensions. Data from 369 Vietnamese fishers are analyzed using structural equation modeling with FIMIX-PLS and PLS-POS. The results show that the sequence of values, beliefs, and personal norms can explain the fishers' pro-environmental behavioral intention and their support for policies addressing marine litter. Two segments of the fishers are detected from the sample with different perspectives of engagement intention. Fishers in segment 1 placed great emphasis on the consequences of marine litter on fishing activities as a motivator for their responsible actions. Meanwhile, fishers in segment 2 express pro-environmental engagement intention driven by the concern about responsibility and moral obligation. A binary logistic regression indicates that the risks of marine litter on fishing activity can provide the explanations for the differences between them. Our findings highlight both fishers' pro-environmental behavior and policy support as important strategies for dealing with marine litter in fisheries. If implemented simultaneously, they hold promise to alleviate the environmental and economic impact of marine litter in Vietnam.

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Publication reference
Ngoc, Q. T. K., Xuan, B. B., Börger, T., Hien, T. T., Van Hao, T., Trinh, D. T., & Nghiep, V. K. (2024). Exploring fishers’ pro-environmental behavioral intention and support for policies to combat marine litter in Vietnam. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 200, 116143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116143
Publication | 9 March 2024