Cash transfers for sustainable rural livelihoods? Examining the long-term productive effects of the Child Support Grant in South Africa

Submitted by Samuel Wakuma on

Cash transfers have received increased scholarly and policy attention, as a means of reducing poverty in theglobal South. While cash transfers are primarily intended to prevent impoverishment and deprivation, severalstudies suggest they can have 'productive' impacts, contributing to building sustainable livelihoods. However,pilot projects of unconditional cash transfers have often been too brief or too recent to determine how small, but regular, transfers can improve rural livelihoods over time.

Policy Design

Assessment of Factors Influencing Youth Involvement in Horticulture Agribusiness in Tanzania: A Case Study of Njombe Region

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

Involvement of youth in horticulture agribusiness has become a vital approach to create employment opportunities among the youth in Tanzania.


The impact of rural electrification and institutional quality on agricultural output : a case of Sub-Saharan Africa

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on
EfD Authors:

Agriculture is the means of livelihood for most rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. In order for small-scale farmers to meet the basic needs of their families and semi-large-scale farming for trading purposes, rural farmers seek to expand their output. To this end, the kind of input employed in the crop production process is very important. In terms of labour, most rural farmers employ their children or other family members and or members of the community where they use traditional farming tools. The use of energy and for that matter, electricity is very little.

Agriculture, Energy