Duke welcomed over 70 scholars and practitioners from 15 countries for the second annual Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) Meeting, May 9-11, 2017.
The three-day event kicked off with a welcome from SETI Program Director Subhrendu Pattanayak, followed by a greet from EfD Director Gunnar Köhlin who explained the need of this workshops for interaction between researchers and practitioners and in what way the road from research to policy interaction starts in this valuable spaces, adding how this “paves the way for well informed and sustainable policies” Köhlin stated.
Day one covered research sessions including the state of energy access: challenges and opportunities, finance and facilitative public policies and policy relevant energy research. The agenda of the workshop also covers adoption of improved energy technologies, impacts of grid electrification, and policies that drive the global energy transition.
This year’s meeting will feature a daylong practitioner workshop that will enhance the dialogue between the academic and the policy communities, with the goal of informing both evidence-based practice as well as policy-relevant scholarship.
SETI is an interdisciplinary global collaborative program that aims to foster research on energy access and energy transitions. Largely comprised of researchers working on the energy challenges faced by low- and middle-income countries, this “center without walls” is currently housed at Duke University.
This workshop is sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through the EfD Network, and the Project on Access & Transitions to Sustainable Energy at Duke.
For more information about the SETI workshop click here.