Analysis of Voluntary Forest Carbon Market

In February 2009, EEPC prepared and submitted a report commissioned by SFA’s Forest Carbon Management Office.

The report provided analyses on potential size of the voluntary forest carbon market in China given different scenarios, and the policy needs to develop effectively the market. We analyzed factors that affect supply and demand of forest carbon. Both supply and demand curves were drawn responding to different scenarios. We also conducted policy deliberations on how to set up a national accounting system for forest carbon credits in anticipation of development of national climate change strategy.

Researchers involved with this report are Jintao Xu, Jie Li (Senior assistant) and Botao Qin (Senior assistant).

An acknowledgement letter was issued by SFA carbon management office to our college. Later on in August, Jintao Xu was invited by SFA to be a member of exterior expert group in the preparation of forest sector strategy for China’s participation in the process of Copenhagen negotiation.

News | 16 October 2009