Park Pricing Workshop

Event Information

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe


Edwin Muchapondwa
Event type

A Workshop on Methodologies for Pricing National Park Products will be held April 27-29 in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The workshop is a continuation of the National Park Pricing Policy Workshop held in Kenya in November 2010.

The workshop is being co-organized by the Environmental-Economics Policy Research Unit (EPRU) at the University of Cape Town and the Department of Economics at the University of Zimbabwe with funding from the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative coordinated by University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

The workshop will be attended by representatives of Departments of National Parks of Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe as well as academics from those countries.


Introduction & Park agency presentations

Brief introduction to 2nd park pricing workshop (Gunnar Köhlin)

The collaborative research program on optimal park pricing (Edwin Muchapondwa)

Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) (James Njogu)

South African National Parks (SANParks) (Joep Stevens)

Tanzanian National Parks (TANAPA) (Emilian Kihwele)

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) (Moses Chilibei)

Zambian Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) (Rose Chivumba)

Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority (ZimParks) (Liberty Nyaguse)

The potential contribution of economics & Research proposals A

Overview of the pricing policy in Namibia (Festus Kandenge)

Insights from economic models on optimal park pricing (Gardner Brown)

Proposed research on park pricing in Kenya (Geoffrey Sikei)

Accounting for the ecosystem services of protected areas (Eric Mungatana) 

Preliminary research results & Research proposals B

Price discrimination and differential pricing in South Africa (Edwin Muchapondwa)
Optimal conservation fees from contingent behaviour in South Africa (Johane Dikgang)

Research proposals C

Proposed research on park pricing in Zambia (Jane Kwenye)

Estimating a visitation demand function for Victoria Falls (Carren Pindiriri)

Estimating the demand function for elephant hunting in Zimbabwe (Ithiel Mavesere and Emily Janhi)

Corruption in national parks and wildlife management (Rumbidza Tizora)

The way forward

Structure of the collaborative program (Gunnar Köhlin)

Structure of research projects (Gardner Brown)

Event | 2 February 2011