Determination of optimal rotation period for management of lumbering forests in Kenya

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

This study estimates the optimal rotation period of various tree species in Kenya and applies it in the management of lumbering forests through optimal synchronization of forest plantations to achieve a steady supply to lumbering firms. The optimal rotation period of three tree species, pine, cypress, and eucalyptus, was estimated using data from Kenya Forest Service. A combined application of Chang simple production model and ​ Faustmann​ model​ reveals the optimal biological harvest age is 25 years for pine, 25 years for cypress, and 14 years for eucalyptus.

Forestry, Policy Design

Recreational value and optimal pricing of national parks: lessons from Maasai Mara in Kenya

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

This paper estimates the recreational value and optimal pricing for recreation services in the Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya. To achieve this objective, data from 323 Park visitors were collected. Single-site individual travel cost method (ITCM) using count data models [zero truncated Poisson (ZTP), zero truncated negative binomial (ZTNB), negative binomial with endogenous stratification (NBSTRAT), and Poisson with endogenous stratification (PSTRAT)] was applied.

Conservation, Policy Design

Inequality and the Biosphere

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Rising inequalities and accelerating global environmental change pose two of the most pressing challenges of the twenty-first century. To explore how these phenomena are linked, we apply a social-ecological systems perspective and review the literature to identify six different types of interactions (or “pathways”) between inequality and the biosphere. We find that most of the research so far has only considered one-directional effects of inequality on the biosphere, or vice versa.

Policy Design

Retos ambientales de Costa Rica

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Este reporte presenta una reseña del panorama ambiental de Costa Rica. En él se detallan los principales desafíos del país para lograr un crecimiento inclusivo, resiliente y sostenible, incluyendo el reto de cumplir con los compromisos climáticos adquiridos en los Acuerdos de París. Finalmente, se plantean alternativas estratégicas que harían viable cumplir con las metas planteadas y solventar los mayores retos de Costa Rica en materia de desarrollo compatible con el ambiente.

Policy Design