Welfare impacts of transport fuel price changes on Indian households: An application of LA-AIDS model

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

This paper analyzes the direct impact of transport fuel price change on household welfare in India using a cross-sectional household consumption expenditure survey data. The results show that transport fuel is price elastic in both urban and rural areas across income groups, implying that the subsidy reform undertaken by the Government of India is an effective means to reduce the residential transport energy consumption.

Policy Design

The impact of paying for forest conservation on perceived tenure security in Ecuador

Submitted by César Salazar on

We study the impact of Ecuador's national forest conservation incentives program on reported land conflicts. Data come from a survey of >900 households located within 49 indigenous and Afro‐Ecuadorian communities holding communal conservation contracts. We use quasi‐experimental methods to test for relationships between program participation and changes in land conflicts.

Conservation, Forestry, Land, Policy Design

New Evidence from a Double Deflation Approach Manufacturing Slowdown in India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

The real value added in the Indian manufacturing sector for the period 2011–12 to 2016–17 is measured using the double defl ation approach. It is found that the official figures understate manufacturing real value added during the period 2011–12 to 2013–14, and overstate it thereafter, as well as miss an apparent manufacturing contraction that occurred in 2014–15. The results are corroborated by the movement of high frequency indicators that are correlated with manufacturing activity. 

Policy Design, Urban

How to Ask Farmers about Risk to Help Design Agricultural Policies

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Researchers and officials interested in people’s attitudes toward risk when designing public policies should make sure that their questions about risk are asked in the specific context of the policy rather than in general abstract questions.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Farmers Prefer Post-Harvest Grazing Restrictions but Demand Policy Incentives to Increase Forage Production

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

While livestock is an integral component of the mixed crop-livestock farming system in Ethiopia, there is competition between crops and livestock for the limited feed resources. The residue after harvest is one source of livestock feed but has other potential uses, including leaving it on the field to conserve soil and water and reduce weeds. The current practice is open access grazing, in which any farmer’s livestock can eat the residue left on another farmer’s fields.

Agriculture, Policy Design

How consumer confidence in food safety practices along the food supply chain determines food handling practices: Evidence from Ghana

Submitted by Samuel Wakuma on

The relationship between consumer confidence in food safety measures for vegetables sold in open markets and their use of safe food handling practices in the domestic environment was investigated for a set of 332 randomly sampled vegetable consumers within the suburbs of Accra, Ghana.

Experiments, Policy Design