La autonomía universitaria en Chile: entre el Estado y el Mercado (1981-2020)

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

El presente artículo desarrolla una discusión conceptual y jurídica de la autonomía universitaria y su aplicación en Chile a través de la distinción y análisis de tres periodos de reforma en materia de educación superior desde el 1981 a 2020. La contribución central de este estudio es incluir en su análisis una nueva etapa de reforma (Ley N° 21.091) que cambia profundamente tanto la normativa como las instituciones que rigen a los centros de educación superior y, hasta el momento, no ha sido explorado por parte de la literatura especializada.

Policy Design

The impact of monetary policy on a labor market with heterogeneous workers: The case of Chile

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

We use a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (FAVAR) model to analyze the effect of a contractionary monetary policy shock on macroeconomic aggregates and labor market indicators for different demographic groups in Chile classified by industry, age, and income quintile. Inflation is negatively correlated with unemployment across groups. The model shows that most groups’ job-separation rate and wage volatility increase after an interest rate rise. The response of the job-finding rate is mixed, decreasing in some groups and rising in others after an interest rate shock.

Policy Design

Hire purchase schemes and adoption of LPG cookstoves: Experimental evidence from Uganda

Submitted by Petra Hansson on


Hire purchase schemes increase vendors' likelihood of buying an LPG cookstove. 

Hire purchase schemes with a learning opportunity have a greater effect on the vendor’s likelihood of buying an LPG cookstove. 

Climate Change, Energy, Policy Design

Nonfarm entrepreneurship, crop output, and household welfare in Tanzania: An exploration of transmission channels

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

AbstractThis study analyzes panel data from the Tanzania Living Standards Measurement Study‐Integrated Surveys on Agriculture by the World Bank to investigate the impact of nonfarm entrepreneurship as a nonfarm activity on the value of crop output and household welfare, and to explore the potential transmission channels among rural farm households. Using a dynamic panel model to address endogeneity, our results reveal that nonfarm entrepreneurship has a positive impact on the value of crop output and household welfare.

Policy Design

A behavioral economics approach for individual decisions in the face of COVID-19: Successes and disappointments

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Dans le cadre du premier appel à projet « Flash-COVID-19 » de l’Agence nationale de la recherche, nous avons mobilisé des méthodes récentes de l’économie comportementale afin de mieux comprendre les décisions des individus face à la crise sanitaire due à la pandémie de COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) et d’identifier les paramètres pouvant influencer le respect des mesures sanitaires.

Covid-19, Policy Design

Nudging for lockdown: behavioural insights from an online experiment

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Abstract. We test the effectiveness of a social comparison nudge (SCN) to enhance lockdown compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic using a French representative sample ( N = 1,154). Respondents were randomly assigned to a favorable/unfavorable informational feedback (daily road traffic mobility patterns, in Normandy – a region of France) on peer lockdown compliance. Our dependent variable was the intention to comply with a possible future lockdown. We controlled for risk, time, and social preferences and tested the effectiveness of the nudge.

Covid-19, Experiments, Policy Design