Cartagena workshop

An actionable research agenda for the Global South is now finalized

60 researchers from EfD and partner organizations have been working intensely for a year and a half to develop a research agenda to support a low-carbon transition and gender equity in the Global…

Forestry – brief actionable research agenda

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Forests offer the potential for implementing nature-based solutions that provide simultaneously economic, social, and environmental benefits. Forests and Land-use are part of a larger initiative to identify the most promising research issues to support an actionable low-carbon transition in the Global South. 


Global forces of change: Implications for forest-poverty dynamics

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on
EfD Authors:

This article examines global trends likely to influence forests and tree-based systems and considers the poverty implications of these interactions. The trends, identified through a series of expert discussions and review of the literature, include: (i) climatic impacts mediated through changes in forests, (ii) growth in commodity markets, (iii) shifts in private and public forest sector financing, (iv) technological advances and rising interconnectivity, (v) global socio-political movements, and (vi) emerging infectious diseases.

Energy, Forestry