Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or REDD, is a mechanism for providing financial rewards to countries that reduce carbon emissions caused by the loss and degradation of their forests. In concept, REDD resembles other Payment for Environmental Services (PES) programs. However, REDD emphasizes a reduction in deforestation and degradation rates from expected levels, also known as avoided deforestation and degradation.


The impact of buffer zone size and management on illegal extraction, park protection, and enforcement

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Many protected areas or parks in developing countries have buffer zones at their boundaries to achieve the dual goals of protecting park resources and providing resource benefits to neighbouring people.


The Impact of Land Certification on Tree Growing on Private Plots of Rural Households: Evidence from Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This is a chapter in the book entitled 'Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa: Assessing Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management'.

The book is about land tenure policies from an international perspective. It adds on the first book published by Holden and Otsuka entitled The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa: Assessing the Impacts on Poverty, Equity, and Efficiency (2009) in a much deeper way with a stronger and clearer focus on policy issues.

More about the book

Agriculture, Forestry, Policy Design, Land

EfD Seventh Annual Meeting 2013

During EfD's seventh annual meeting, spring began to warm the Western Cape of South Africa creating a fertile environment for over 70 delegates to present fresh research findings and exchange…

Date: Thursday 24 October — Sunday 27 October, 2013
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa: Assessing Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This book is about land tenure policies from an international perspective. It adds on the first book published by Holden and Otsuka entitled The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa: Assessing the Impacts on Poverty, Equity, and Efficiency (2009) in a much deeper way with a stronger and clearer focus on policy issues.

Agriculture, Forestry, Policy Design, Land

Effects of Exclusion from a Conservation Policy: Negative Behavioral Spillovers from Targeted Incentives

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

A critical issue in the design of incentive mechanisms is the choice of whom to target. For forests, the leading schemes: [i] target locations with high ecosystem-service density; [ii] target additionality, i.e., locations where conservation would not occur without the incentive; or, at least effectively, [iii] reward previous private choices to conserve forest. We use a field experiment to examine the changes in contributions to forest conservation when we introduce each of those three selection rules.

Experiments, Forestry

Evaluating forest conservation policies in developing countries using remote sensing data: An introduction and practical guide

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

Rigorous, objective evaluation of forest conservation policies in developing countries is needed to ensure that the limited financial, human, and political resources devoted to these policies are put to good use. Yet such evaluations remain uncommon. Recent advances in conservation best practices, the widening availability of high-resolution remotely sensed forest-cover data, and the dissemination of geographic information system capacity have created significant opportunities to reverse this trend.

Forestry, Policy Design