A malaria project in Kenya

The project includes two studies. One project is on possible differences in subjective and objective risks in four different zones with different malaria exposure, and whether a person´s subjective

| Experiments, Health | Sweden

Is the information on fines relevant?

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Using a series of laboratory economic experiments, we study the effect of information regarding the amount of the fine on the individual decision to violate an emission standard. Specifically, the analysis considers variations in the information available for the regulated subjects regarding the amount of the monetary sanction, as well as variations in the stringency in the inspection effort by the regulator.

Experiments, Policy Design

Social preferences are stable over long periods of time

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We measure people's pro-social behavior, in terms of voluntary money and labor contributions to an archetypical public good, a bridge, and in terms of voluntary money contributions in a public good game, using the same non-student sample in rural Vietnam at four different points in time from 2005 to 2011.


Natural Resource Collection and Children’s Literacy: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data in Rural Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Few studies have examined the dynamic aspect of the effect of natural resource collection on child education. This paper looks into the effect of resource collection on child education using panel data collected in four rounds from rural Ethiopia.
