Can Local Communities Afford Full Control Over Wildlife Conservation? The Case of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Wildlife is widely becoming an important vehicle for rural development in most third-world countries across the globe. With wildlife, as with other conservation and development policies, policymakers are usually not informed about the needs and wants of poor rural households and roll out programmes that are not tailor made to suit their desires, which often results in policy failure. We use a survey-based choice experiment in this paper to investigate household preferences for various attributes of a wildlife management scheme.


Land and Poverty Conference

This year’s conference theme will be: Catalyzing Innovation. The Land and Poverty conference presents the latest research and innovations in policies and good practice on land governance around the…

Date: Monday 25 March — Friday 29 March, 2019
Location: World Bank 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington , District Of Columbia United States

13th Annual Meeting of EfD- in Colombia

The EfD Annual Meeting is the largest annual conference in the Global South on the application of environmental economics to development. The EfD Annual Meeting will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, on 21…

Date: Friday 22 November — Monday 25 November, 2019

The power of nudging: Using feedback, competition and responsibility assignment to save electricity in a non-residential setting

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

We use behavioural insights to design nudges, leveraging social comparison and assignment of responsibility, aimed at reducing electricity consumption in a large provincial government office building with 24 floors, a total of 1008 occupants. Results from a randomized control trial show that floors participating in a treatment with inter-floor competitions and tips reduced energy consumption by 9%, while those that also included floor-wise “energy advocates” reduced energy consumption by 14% over a period of 5 months.

Energy, Policy Design