Forest-poverty nexus: Exploring the contribution of forests to rural livelihoods in Kenya

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EfD Authors:

This paper explores the contribution of forests to the livelihoods of local communities in Kenya. The paper uses survey data to explore resource extraction and the economic reliance of households on forests. The results suggest that both rich and poor households depend on forests, and that membership in forest user groups, and therefore participation in forest activities, may be based on a household's monetary rather than asset income. The results imply that forests support the living standards of the poor through the diversification of household income sources.


EfD Kenya Report 2011/12

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This report presents EfD Kenya, its members and work during 2011/12. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to:

The Kenyan node of the Environment for Development initiative is based at:

 Kenyan Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA),

Nairobi, Kenya

Coordinator: Dr Wilfred Nyangena


Tel. +254-20-2719933/4