Acceptability surveys
One of the main obstacles in many countries for an effective climate policy is opposition to climate pricing. This is often based on views concerning distributional fairness between different groups
One of the main obstacles in many countries for an effective climate policy is opposition to climate pricing. This is often based on views concerning distributional fairness between different groups
A uniform global carbon price is a cost-minimizing way to achieve CO2 emission reductions. However, the climate externality is not the only one from the use of fossil fuels, and this implies that the
Carbon pricing and fossil fuel price subsidy reforms will have distributional implications. Kept unmanaged, they will have the power to stop reforms, frequently proven in the past. While it has been
Without phasing out global coal capacities in the power sector, international climate targets will likely be out of reach. Scenario analyses of optimal mitigation pathways consistently emphasize the
Cite as: Ohlendorf, N. and Steckel, J. “When is carbon pricing progressive?,” Sustainable Future Policy Lab: Analyses, 2021-001.
Key points:
The current dominant vehicle technology globally is the internal combustion engine. But electric cars and two wheelers are rapidly making headway and in China there are already over 250 million electric two wheelers in use. Africa constitutes the last frontier for the automotive industry. Current levels of motorization are still exceptionally low, but vehicle transport is growing rapidly. With rapid economic and population growth, this is set to continue. Two questions then arise in the African context.
A lecture by Ulrike Kornek We examine how a European carbon price will affect citizens by studying the carbon tax incidence in 23 countries of the EU. At the national level, the distributional impact…
There is a danger that the recovery after the pandemic and the desire for continued rapid growth will jeopardize previous steps towards a green economy in China. Jintao Xu is a Center Director at EfD