Impact of Plantations on Forest Use and Forest status in Orissa, India

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In Orissa 100 thousand ha of village plantations were established from 1985 to 1992 as an aid project to support the subsistence needs of rural poor and to relieve heavy pressure on the natural forests. The aim of this paper is to examine the welfare and environmental effects of these village plantations.


Contingent valuation in project planning and evaluation: the case of social forestry in Orissa, India

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EfD Authors:

There have been few applications of the contingent valuation method (CVM) to forests in developing countries. When applied, the method is seldom utilized to improve the implementation of development projects.


Spatial Variability and Disincentives to Harvest: Deforestation and Fuelwood Collection in South Asia

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A major strategy to combat deforestation caused by household fuel collection has been the establishment of plantations, especially in India.

A household model is specified with a number of collection possibilities and analyzed empirically using household, vegetation, and GIS data, and the potential decrease in collection from the natural forest is estimated. The results show reduced pressure on the natural, forest due to the establishment of plantations. It also questions buffer zone plantations very close to natural forests.


A Bioeconomic Analysis of the Swedish Fishery for Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)

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A modified version of Jones’ length-based cohort analysis is linked to economic data from the Swedish trawl fishery for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). The current regulation implies a fishing practice where each landed lobster entails three killed due to discard mortality and different cases of trawl selectivity are compared together with varying natural mortality.
