Uncertain Monsoon, Irrigation and Crop Yields:Implications for Pricing of Insurance Products 20-28

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

A significant body of literature interested in studying the impact of weatherrisks on agricultural performance has modeled crop yields as a function of either levels or deviations in seasonal rainfall. However, an aspect that has received little attention in the literature relates to the impact of timing of the arrival of the monsoon on agricultural performance. In this paper, using a pan-India district-level panel dataset for a period of 50 years, we investigate three interrelated issues that are critical for managing the weather-induced agricultural risks.


The impact of rural electrification and institutional quality on agricultural output : a case of Sub-Saharan Africa

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on
EfD Authors:

Agriculture is the means of livelihood for most rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. In order for small-scale farmers to meet the basic needs of their families and semi-large-scale farming for trading purposes, rural farmers seek to expand their output. To this end, the kind of input employed in the crop production process is very important. In terms of labour, most rural farmers employ their children or other family members and or members of the community where they use traditional farming tools. The use of energy and for that matter, electricity is very little.

Agriculture, Energy

Does mangrove plantation reduce coastal erosion? Assessment from the west coast of India

Submitted by Vidisha Chowdhury on
EfD Authors:

Mangroves are believed to stabilize the coastlines by controlling erosion and facilitating sediment deposition. Coastal managers often plant mangroves to counter coastal erosion. The state of Gujarat in West India has planted thousands of hectares of mangroves over the years, and control of coastal erosion has been one of the prime reasons of plantation. This study performed a statistical assessment of the effect of the planted mangroves on the coastline changes in the state from 1990 to 2013.

Biodiversity, Forestry

Capturing Lessons for Sustainable Tourism Planning and Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on
EfD Authors:

Although sustainable tourism represents a positive approach for community development, its practical implementation is challenging. Given that there is no one institutional recipe that fits all cases, it is necessary to cumulate knowledge from lessons from isolated cases where a combination of institutional arrangements and context-specific characteristics showed to be - or not - successful for tourism management.


Devolution and Collective Action in Forest Management: The Case of China 20-21

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Since 2003, China has implemented a large-scale forest devolution reform by giving villages the right to devolve tenure rights of collectively owned forests to households. Some villages chose no reform, and the forest continued to be owned and controlled by the village committee. In other villages, the reform was adopted and forests became owned and managed by individual households. In a third group, the reform was adopted and forests became household owned but are managed jointly.


Building the evidence base for REDD+: Study design and methods for evaluating the impacts of conservation interventions on local well-being

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on

Climate change mitigation in developing countries is increasingly expected to generate co-benefits that help meet sustainable development goals. This has been an expectation and a hotly contested issue in REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) since its inception.

Conservation, Forestry

Looking for medium-term conservation and development impacts of community management agreements in Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on

We evaluate the impact of collaborative management agreements (CMAs) designed to protect forests and raise incomes for smallholders living adjacent to Rwenzori Mountains National Park (RMNP), Uganda. We use a quasi-experimental study design to estimate changes in several income measures, as well as land cover using three waves (2003, 2007, and 2012) of household survey and remote sensing data. Overall, we find no significant impact of CMAs on any of our income measures.


The Economics of REDD through an Incidence of Burdens and Benefits Lens

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on

Forests in lower-income countries provide a global public good, carbon sequestration. REDD, "reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation" is a performance-based payment designed to align private incentives at the country level with the socially optimal level of forest loss. This review article focuses on the distributional implications of REDD, specifically on whom the burdens and benefits fall. First, REDD implementation has proven more difficult and costly than originally anticipated.

Carbon Pricing, Climate Change, Forestry

Logging Concessions, Certification & Protected Areas in the Peruvian Amazon: Forest Impacts from Combinations of Development Rights & Land-use Restrictions

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on
EfD Authors:

In this paper, we use geospatial data and difference-in-differences models to identify the deforestation effects, during 2000-2013, of the leading forest policies in the Peruvian Amazon: i) logging concessions, ii) third-party certification of concessions, and iii) Protected Areas (PAs). We find that on average logging concessions have no effect on tree-cover loss, while the PAs do reduce loss. Further, the PAs allowing limited private extraction save more forest than do more restrictive PAs.
