Determinants of successful collective management of forest resources: Evidence from Kenyan Community Forest Associations

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

The collective participation of local communities in the management and utilization of forest resources is now widely accepted as a possible solution to the failure of centralized, top-down approaches to forest conservation.Under such initiatives, communities in Kenya have organized themselves into Community Forest Associations


Welfare and forest cover impacts of incentive based conservation: Evidence from Kenyan community forest associations

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

This paper examines whether offering landless forest-adjacent communities options to grow appropriate food crops inside forest reserves during early stages of reforestation programmes increases incomes of low-income households and conserve forests. We consider the forest cover and household welfare impacts of a unique incentive scheme in Kenya known as the Plantation Establishment and Livelihood Improvement Scheme (PELIS). PELIS seeks to deepen community participation in forestry, and improve the livelihoods of adjacent communities.

Conservation, Forestry

Can local communities afford full control over wildlife conservation? The case of Zimbabwe

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on

Wildlife is widely becoming an important vehicle for rural development in most third-world countries across the globe. With wildlife, as with other conservation and development policies, policymakers are usually not informed about the needs and wants of poor rural households and roll out programmes that are not tailor made to suit their desires, which often results in policy failure. We use a survey-based choice experiment in this paper to investigate household preferences for various attributes of a wildlife management scheme. The survey was administered in


Volatility linkages between energy and wine prices in South Africa

Submitted by Petra Hansson on
EfD Authors:

Energy prices (for fuel and electricity) and energy price volatility impact wine prices. In the long run, we find a clear link between fuel and wine prices, implying that the two markets positively influence each other to the extent that a change in fuel prices influences wine prices. In the short run, we find that past volatility from wine prices as well as shocks from other markets, i.e., fuel and electricity, influence the current wine prices.

Agriculture, Energy, Policy Design

Can climate information salvage livelihoods in arid and semiarid lands? An evaluation of access, use and impact in Namibia

Submitted by Petra Hansson on
EfD Authors:

Namibia is the driest country in Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the most vulnerable countries to adverse effects of climate change. Reliable climate information and early warning are important tools of managing risks in climate-sensitive economic sectors like agriculture. Despite recent improvements in climate information forecasting, access and use remain low in Africa.


Impacts of COVID-19 on tight oil supply: Evidence from a price responsive Model

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Key Points
Drilling activities are very responsive to oil prices, while tight oil production is not very responsive.
Tight oil production could decrease by 1.3-2.3 MMbbl/d (million barrels per day) during the pandemic induced recession.
Tight oil is not the new Swing Producer.

Covid-19, Energy, Policy Design

Local control and collective action in forest management: The case of China

Submitted by Petra Hansson on
EfD Authors:

To encourage sustainable use of forests, in 2003 China allowed rural villages to choose among a range of options to manage forests, including individual user rights with joint management. We studied how this individual user rights-based joint management affected forests and households.

Both property rights and voluntary decisions encourage cooperation. This resulted in better forest conservation in these villages in China, with about 10% more forest cover. This is also important because forests store carbon.

Air Quality, Climate Change, Forestry