Corporate investments in supply chain sustainability: Selecting instruments in the agri-food industry

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Private investments to address environmental issues are perceived as a powerful engine of sustainability. For the agri-food sector, multiple instruments have been developed to green supply chains. Yet little is known about the underlying process and conditions under which green sourcing concerns lead to the adoption of specific sustainability instruments among agri-food companies.


Construction of a Chilean Energy Matrix Portraying Energy Source Substitution: A System Dynamics Approach

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The energy matrix is a useful tool for understanding the trends of production and consumption in a country and for evaluating long-term energy policies. This paper presents a behavioral simulation model of the evolution of Chile’s energy matrix. The model is developed and calibrated by considering a dynamic substitution of energy sources.


Collective Property Leads to Household Investments: Lessons from Land Titling in Afro-Colombian Communities

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

In the developing world, collective land titling has become an important tool for recognizing the historical presence of ethnic communities and safeguarding their rights to occupy and manage their territories. However, little is known about the average impact of these titling processes on the well-being of these communities. In this paper we attempt to estimate the impact of collective land titling in territories inhabited by Afro-descendent communities in Colombia.

Conservation, Policy Design

Payments for Ecosystem Services and Motivational Crowding in Colombia’s Amazon Piedmont

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Globally, there is an increasing level of funding targeted to pay farmers and rural communities for the provision of ecosystem services, for example through Payments for Ecosystem or Environmental Services (PES) schemes and pilots for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, and maintaining or enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD +).

Experiments, Conservation, Forestry

Assessing the impacts of transport policies through energy system simulation: The case of the Medellin Metropolitan Area, Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The transport sector contributes to climate change, and it has been the target of public interventions to improve quality of life and reduce CO2 emissions. The Medellin metropolitan area (Colombia) has developed a mass transportation system called Metro de Medellin that integrates train lines, a tram line, BRTs, gondola lift systems, a bicycle-sharing system and hybrid buses to reduce traffic and CO2 emissions.

Policy Design

Uncertainty and the long-term adequacy of supply: Simulations of capacity mechanisms in electricity markets

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Deregulation in electricity markets has changed the conditions for maintaining long-term adequacy of supply. Particularly in the last decade, security of supply has become a major issue for policymakers due to a number of changes in technology, especially the introduction of renewables, where regulators have introduced capacity mechanisms. In this paper, we focus on the use of two different capacity mechanisms: procurement for long-term strategic reserves contracting, and centralized auctioning for capacity contracts.


Is the War on Drugs Working? Examining the Colombian Case Using Micro Data

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

The intense debate on the effectiveness of the war on drugs contrasts with the scarce quantitative evidence on its impacts on drug cultivation decisions by individual producers. Using panel data from an original survey of farmers living in coca-growing areas in Colombia, we evaluate the effectiveness of forced eradication policies implemented between 2000 and 2005. We find that one additional hectare eradicated decreases coca supply by 0.44 hectares, indicating that coca can only be eradicated at a very high cost.


Transforming governance in telecoupled food systems

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

In this paper we analyze how new actors, interests, and resources become salient to food system governance and how the domain of food system governance transforms as a result. Specifically, we focus on how the boundaries of food systems are redefined and new institutions are developed through the explicit recognition of distal interactions and feedbacks—telecoupling—operating in the food system space.
