Institutional Analysis of Water Management on Communal Irrigation Systems in Ethiopia

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This study analyses the institutional and organizational arrangements of irrigation water management and identifies the determinants of collective action and its effectiveness in managing communal irrigation schemes in the districts of Atsbi Wemberta (Tigray region) and Ada’a (Oromiya region), Ethiopia. Results are ....

Agriculture, Policy Design

Searching for a better deal – On the influence of group decision making, time pressure and gender on search behavior

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We study behavior in a search experiment where sellers receive randomized bids from a computer. At any time, sellers can accept the highest standing bid or ask for another bid at positive costs. We find that sellers stop searching earlier than theoretically optimal. Inducing a mild form of time pressure strengthens this finding in the early periods. We find no significant differences in search behavior between individuals and groups of two participants. However, there are marked gender differences.
