Displaying 851 - 860 of 2428 publications
Product labelling with eco-certifications is market-based incentive tool for sustainable aquaculture, thus mitigating negative environmental impacts. The aims of this study are to investigate: i)…
| Peer Reviewed | VietnamLiterature has documented significant trade-offs between economic and environmental performance in many areas of agricultural production. However, while it has focused on the trade-off for technically…
| Peer Reviewed | VietnamAbstractClimate change is having a significant impact on the biology and ecology of fish stocks and aquaculture species and will affect the productivity within seafood supply chains in the future. The…
| Peer Reviewed | VietnamIntellectual property is related to industrial property and copyright, and in both cases is considered to be an indicator of innovation and development. The study of innovation subsidies given to…
| Peer Reviewed | ChileAdapting to new climate conditions will require an intricate mix of knowledge, planning, coordination, and foresight. There is increasing sectoral evidence on the implementation of successful…
| Peer Reviewed | ChileTo adapt is to survive. However, sub-Saharan Africa, although highly dependent on agriculture, is vulnerable, most affected, with low-adaptive capacity. Luckily, the region is blessed with inherent…
| Peer Reviewed | Kenya
Background: Kenya has implemented a robust response to non-communicable diseases and injuries (NCDIs); however, key gaps in health services for NCDIs still exist in the attainment of Universal Health...
| Peer Reviewed | KenyaIt is nowadays accepted that labour market institutions matter in economic development. However, empirical studies on unions’ effect are not univocal. We provide new insight into the impact of unions…
| Peer Reviewed | VietnamIn developed countries, the gap between male and female pay has been reducing significantly due to legislation and regulation. However, globally, the gap is widening, and even where the gap is…
| Peer Reviewed | KenyaIn this study, using hourly data from a representative sample of Swedish households on standard tariffs, we investigate the welfare and emission implications of moving to a mandatory dynamic pricing…
| Peer Reviewed | Ghana