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Displaying 61 - 70 of 126 publications

There is tension in developing countries between financial incentives to clear forests and climate regulation benefits of preserving trees. Now research shows that paying private forest owners in…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Este manual forma parte de los materiales de fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas en materia de adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático del Proyecto CASCADA. Los materiales, que constan de…

| Other Publications | Central America

Este manual forma parte de los materiales de fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas en materia de adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático del Proyecto CASCADA. Los materiales, que constan de…

| Other Publications | Central America

Este manual forma parte de los materiales de fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas en materia de adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático del Proyecto CASCADA. Los materiales, que constan de…

| Other Publications | Central America

Este manual forma parte de los materiales de fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas en materia de adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático del Proyecto CASCADA. Los materiales, que constan de…

| Other Publications | Central America

The Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) of Ethiopia is a country-level diagnostic tool to support investment and policy dialogues. It highlights the key environment-related trajectories and…

| Other Publications | Ethiopia, Global Hub

Why do many smallholder farmers fail to adopt what appear to be relatively simple agronomic or management practices which can help them cope with climate-induced stressors? Using household and plot…

| Other Publications | South Africa

Predation of livestock in South Africa has been estimated to cost in excess of ZAR1 billion in losses per year and has complex social, economic and ecological drivers and consequences. In this context…

| Other Publications | South Africa

Discussions between policymakers about renewable energy have gained momentum in recent years, amid growing recognition of the need for more investment in green energy sources. The question is whether…

| Other Publications | South Africa

Inefficient firewood and charcoal usage contributes massively to global greenhouse gas emissions and causes four million mortal diseases a year. Relative to other climate protection measures, public…

| Other Publications |