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Displaying 41 - 50 of 104 publications

October 2020 When Cape Town, South Africa, experienced a severe drought, the city feared “Day Zero,” the day that water would no longer be supplied through water taps. We calculated Gini coefficients…

| Research Brief | South Africa

Key Points Household air pollution is a major contributor to the disease burden in India Electric induction stoves are relatively cheap to own and operate and can serve as an alternative to the use of…

| Research Brief | India

Global experience of employment generation in timber plantations shows contrasting outcomes including in terms of rural development, but there are also commonalities such as poor working conditions…

| Research Brief | Ethiopia

A frequently-raised issue about foreign direct investment (FDI) is the potentially negative consequences for the environment. The potential environmental cost resulting from increased emissions may…

| Research Brief | Ghana

The Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Targets include target goals of setting aside a percentage of marine areas as marine protected areas (MPAs). One purpose of marine protected areas is to…

| Research Brief | Central America

While livestock is an integral component of the mixed crop-livestock farming system in Ethiopia, there is competition between crops and livestock for the limited feed resources. The residue after…

| Research Brief | Ethiopia

Access to clean water is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to be achieved by 2030, and a priority on the environmental policy agenda in Ethiopia. A main challenge for clean water…

| Research Brief | Ethiopia

Researchers and officials interested in people’s attitudes toward risk when designing public policies should make sure that their questions about risk are asked in the specific context of the policy…

| Research Brief | Sweden, Central America

Local communities in Africa benefit from protected areas through a number of activities such as grazing their livestock and revenues gained from touristic activities such as trophy hunting. These two…

| Research Brief | South Africa

Zimbabwe’s community-based conservation model, which brings together peasant farmers in a tourism-focused approach to wildlife management, has enjoyed limited success since its inception during the…

| Research Brief | South Africa