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Displaying 391 - 400 of 1098 publications

Livestock grazing, along with agriculture, are key drivers of deforestation and land degradation that subsequently affect ecosystem service provision in the tropics. Although environmental and…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Managing natural-resource allocation and environmental externalities is a challenge. Institutional designs are central when improving water quality for downstream users, for instance, and when…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Hunger and malnourishment can adversely affect students' performance by lowering their effort and cognition during school hours. We conduct a lab-in-the field experiment, leveraging the extension of…

| Discussion Paper | India

An increasing earning gap between rural migrants and urban residents has recently aroused public concern about rising urban poverty asscociated with migration of rural people into Chinese cities. To…

| Peer Reviewed | China

The high rates of economic activity and environmental degradation in Asia demand the implementation of creative and cost-effective environmental policy instruments that provide polluters with more…

| Peer Reviewed | China, Sweden, Global Hub

Regulatory enforcement of product safety standards given health concerns, whether it is in romaine lettuce, smartphones or cars, is emerging to be a challenge for global public health. This is…

| Peer Reviewed | India, Chile

This paper aims to determine an optimal allocation of the European Cohesion Fund (ECF) and compares it with the observed allocation. This optimal allocation is the solution of a donor optimization…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

We take stock of the lessons learned from using market-based instruments in chemicals management and discuss the potential for increased use of risk-based taxation in the management of pesticides and…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

Although intentional use of fires to transform land has decreased globally (1, 2), particularly among highly capitalized countries through regulatory and market-orientedapproaches and moral suasion…

| Other Publications | India

This paper studies the role of middlemen in open-access fisheries and how the organization of the supply chains affects resource exploitation and the level and distribution of economic rent. Imperfect…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam