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Displaying 281 - 290 of 1098 publications

This study examines the wood trade in response to China's new logging ban policy in natural forests (LBNF). Our identification is based on a triple-difference (DDD) strategy, in which the variations…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Using experiments in which participants play the role of polluting firms, we study compliance behavior with emissions limits under two types of fines and two different regulatory instruments. We find…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Abstract As a discipline, environmental peacebuilding “integrates natural resource management in conflict prevention, mitigation, resolution, and recovery to build resilience in communities affected…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Local governments intend to offer a better quality of life; so, their targeting of spending and ability to generate income are relevant. This research uses data from a panel of 93 Chilean cities…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Regional integration is making steady progress in Africa and a key objective is to improve the prospects for industrialisation by expanding the regional market. The paper draws on a combination of…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

National park agencies in Africa often lack incentives to maximize revenue, despite the decline in conservation subsidies from the State. We explore the potential of pricing policy to generate funds…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

The motivation for movement struggle to end colonialism in Tanzania was to put in our own hands the development destiny of the country. The development destiny of Tanzania will be in our control…

| Books | Tanzania

The context of Tanzania is such that there is close link between achieving industrialization and achieving agricultural transformation. Increased growth in agricultural productivity, output and income…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

Smart Industrialization in Tanzania: The Process This Chapter is based on the main theme of the Book which is Fast Tracking Industrialization in Tanzania: The ‘Must – Do’ Actions. Thus it aims at…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania