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Displaying 21 - 30 of 43 publications

The choices of transport that households make are important in determining the type of fuel taxes. Many countries in the developing world have in the recent past witnessed an increasing vehicular…

| Book Chapter, Books | Kenya

As part of the book Frontiers of Biodiversity Economics, Cambridge University Press, this chapter describes a model of interactions in the context of deforestation, based on an equilibrium in beliefs…

| Books | Central America

Resumen El libro describe el desarrollo normativo del ordenamiento territorial y ambiental del país y las principales líneas jurisprudenciales que se han desarrollado en los últimos 25 años. Muestra…

| Books | Colombia

abstract La educación en Colombia reproduce las clases sociales y la desconfianza entre ellas. Esto se debe a que los hijos de los ricos estudian en colegios privados de buena calidad y los hijos de…

| Books | Colombia

En el capítulo trata los experimentos de campo en el marco de la economía del desarrollo. A pesar de que el grueso de nuestra experiencia y la mayoría de nuestros ejemplos provienen de América Latina…

| Book Chapter, Books | Central America

Agricultural Investment and Productivity provides a deep and systematic look at the opportunities for and constraints to investments in sustainable agriculture in East Africa, offering important…

| Books, EfD/RFF Book | Sweden, Ethiopia, Kenya, Global Hub

This book is the final report from the World Bank's SEA pilot program. It presents the findings and recommendations of the evaluation of the Pilot Program which comprised six SEA pilots on sector…

| Books, Report | Sweden, Kenya

Jorge Rivera presents a new theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between protective public policies and business compliance. It is increasingly common for businesses to face public…

| Books | Central America

Part of the UNDP Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean: A biodiversity super power. Report aims to inform policy makers and businesses in LAC about the economic risks and opportunities of…

| Books | Central America