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Displaying 161 - 170 of 193 publications

This report presents EfD Kenya, its members and work during 2011/12. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to: The Kenyan node of the Environment for Development initiative…

| Report | Kenya

This report presents EfD Ethiopia/Environmental Economics Policy Forum for Ethiopia, its members and work during 2011/12. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to: The…

| Report | Ethiopia

Conceptualización y elaboración de indicadores para la la línea de base del MAP

| Report | Central America

Costa Rica: National level assessment of the role of economic instruments in the conservation policymix POLICYMIX aims to contribute to achieving the EUs goals of reversing trends in biodiversity loss…

| Report | Central America

Impacto del Programa Ambiental Mesoamericano (MAP) en la calidad de vida y los capitales de sus familias beneneficiarias Más allá de la dimensión financiera: Impacto del Programa Ambiental…

| Report | Central America

EfD-Kenya actively participated in the preparation of the Kenya State of Environment (SoE) Report 2010. EfD-K Researchers Dr. Wilfred Nyangena and Geophrey Sikei were authors in the report. Dr…

| Report | Kenya

Policy makers in the People's Republic of China have been experimenting with new approaches to environmental management, resulting in a wide array of policy and program innovations under the broad…

| Report | China

Las ECAS contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias productoras rurales a través de la capacitación vivencial, la educación de adultos y el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Así se…

| Report | Central America

This is the activity report for the agreement between Sida and the Environmental Economics Unit for 2010. It is an extension of the agreement for the period 2007 – 2009 in support of programs…

| Report | Sweden