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Displaying 141 - 150 of 1126 publications

The report provides a framework for ensuring that marine spatial planning (MSP) does not worsen poverty and gender inequality in developing countries and that potentially marginalised groups are...

| Report | South Africa, Sweden, Kenya

South Africa, like most developing nations, is confronted with choosing between the need to advance their economy and the need to protect the environment. The United Nations Sustainable Development…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Abstract Rural poverty in Paraguay led to the implementation of the ‘Sembrando Oportunidades Familia por Familia’ program (SOF), an initiative based on the graduation approach and one of the few…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Key Messages Improvements in household electricity consumption resulting from efficiency improvements have the potential to reduce household electricity expenditure, and consequently the level of…

| Research Brief | Ghana

According to the inclusive green economy (IGE) model, no one should be left out of the green economy revolution. To support an IGE approach, the Tanzanian government must develop policies to support…

| Research Brief | Tanzania

We are living in a crisis era, with competing land use for finite land and ill-informed myopic urban land-use policies that remain stagnant, in a world with a rapidly changing urban environment, such…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

Abstract Until recently, the price of electricity in Ethiopia was among the lowest in the world. Such low prices have contributed to a substantial financial deficit for the government-owned electric…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Abstract This paper evaluates whether the devolution reform of forestland to household management improves allocative efficiency and household welfare through participation in forestland rental…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This study investigates the effectiveness of sustainability labels, environmental attitudes, food safety concerns, and knowledge on Vietnamese consumer preferences for sustainably farmed shrimp. Mixed…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam