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Displaying 111 - 120 of 362 publications

We analyze the impact of a new storage technology and training on post-harvest losses among small-scale maize farmers in rural Tanzania. The analysis is based on data collected by means of a…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

In this study, we examine institutional preferences, social preferences, and contribution in public goods games by conducting a lab-in-the-field experiment in rural China. Specifically, we examine…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

Cultural norms diverge substantially across societies, often within the same country. In the present paper, we propose and investigate the selective migration hypothesis, proposing that cultural…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Vietnam

We pair a county-level panel of annual agricultural production with daily weather outcomes to measure the effects of temperature fluctuations on total agricultural output value of farming, forestry…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

To expand and maintain water supply infrastructure in rural regions of devel​oping countries, planners and policymakers need better information on the preferences of households who might use the…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

The completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will usher in a new era of complexity in both water management and politics in the Nile Basin. The outcomes that will aterialize for…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

A key strategy for adapting to changing water availability and rapid urbanization is a move towards full cost recovery tariffs for water and sanitation services. Because these services are…

| EfD Discussion Paper |

Automobiles are a major contributor to pervasive urban air quality problems. Partly to reduce these air quality problems, China has invested heavily in urban subway systems. This paper provides the…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

We use behavioural insights to design nudges, leveraging social comparison and assignment of responsibility, aimed at reducing electricity consumption in a large provincial government office building…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

The shale gas boom in the United States has been reforming the world energy market. The supply response of shale gas to productivity shocks and relative price changes, however, has not been adequately…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China