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Displaying 271 - 280 of 328 publications

This paper investigates and ranks a set of policy and technological interventions intended to reduce such health costs in the high population density areas of South Africa. The paper’s policy messages…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This paper analyses differences in the choice of health care facility by ill individuals in HIV/AIDS-affected households in the Free State province of South Africa. This paper analyses differences in…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

This study focuses on a movement in methods of structuring that has been around for the past twenty years: socially responsible investing. The study focuses on France between 2001 and 2005 and a…

| Thesis PHD | South Africa

If local communities living adjacent to the elephant see it as a burden, then they cannot be trusted to be its stewards. To assess their valuation of it, a CVM study was conducted for one CAMPFIRE…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa, Sweden, Global Hub

This report forms just one part of an integrated research effort on the BCLME fisheries being carried out by “The Consortium”. It is anticipated that, as the rest of the BCLME projects advance, new…

| Report | South Africa

This paper analyses participatory development through the lens of public goods theory. South Africa's Community Water Supply & Sanitation Programme is discussed as a case study. It is often contended…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

We explore the effect of income inequality and peer punishment on voluntary provision of public goods in an experimental context. Our sample draws from nine fishing communities in South-Africa where…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

This paper formulates a bioeconomic model to analyze community incentives for wildlife management under benefit-sharing programs like the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

The aim of this working paper is to investigate the optimal regulatory routes from a competition and public interest point of view for the South African water industry. The working paper presents the…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

Climate change and variability poses a significant hindrance on agricultural productivity. The adverse effects are particularly concerning in many African countries that rely more on rainfed...

| Other Publications | South Africa, Kenya